Title: CutUp
Year: 2019
Medium: Sculpture
Material: Resin, Aluminium, Glass, Brass, Plastic
Dimensions: ca. 26 x 20 x 15 cm
CutUp is a series of technical objects, that are sliced, rearranged and distorted into a new form. The objects are encapsulated in resin, captured in their current state forever.
The production process of the CutUp series is a unique mix of high-end and low-end technologies. It starts with a very sophisticated method, which involves vacuum and pressure chambers to cure the resin around the embedded object at a precise atmospheric pressure and temperature. In contrast to that, for slicing the objects apart, Oefner uses an old archaic band saw, that cuts through the object`s different materials with brute force. After that step, the individual object slices are meticulously polished by hand, reassembled into their new shape and embedded in resin to form the final shape of the sculpture.
CutUp is closely linked to Oefner`s process of destruction and reassembly, that he previously used to create two-dimensional works like the Disintegrating or the Explosion Collage photographs. Rather than seeing destruction as something negative, the artist uses this process to break objects and images down into smaller pieces and reassembles them into new compositions, enhanced in both form, meaning and function from the original pieces.
Oefner deliberately selected still and video cameras to slice apart. This is an allusion to his earlier photographic work, where the image made with the camera is the “art” and the camera itself is merely a tool. For this series, the tool is transformed into a piece of art. It is at the same time a deconstruction of the technology of image capturing, revealing the beauty underneath the surface of these objects.
The series currently consists of 6 sculptures and will be expanded into many more in the future.