Title: Disintegrating X - Lamborghini Miura SV
Year: 2018
Medium: Photography
Material: Inkjet Print behind Plexiglass
Dimensions: 420 x 210 cm, 230 x 115 cm, 140 x 70 cm
For the first time, Fabian Oefner has created one of his highly acclaimed Disintegrating images with a real car. And not just any car: its the iconic Lamborghini Miura SV from 1972. The creation of the image took almost two years. During that time, Oefner and his team traveled to the workshops surrounding the Lamborghini Factory in Sant`Agatha /Italy to capture each piece of the car, as it was being restored. The final image, consisting of more than 1500 pieces shows a new level of hyper-reality, that is unprecedented in the artist`s previous works.